We are keen to work with media outlets to help society better understand family estrangement. Please e-mail press@standalone.org.uk for press and media enquiries.
Press and Media

How to parent when you don't talk to yours
The Huffington Post
Are there times when it’s right to walk away?

Christmas is isolating when you can't play happy families
The Guardian
Christmas is isolating when you can’t play happy families
What if social networks don’t understand estrangement needs?
The Guardian
Facebook folly: what if social networks don’t understand estrangement needs?
Can we really become estranged in the digital world?
BBC Radio 4
Aleks Krotoski explores the difficulties of unpicking our digital lives when they’ve become entwined with another’s.
I’m estranged from my family
The Guardian
Becca Bland no longer has contact with her parents and this time of year is particularly difficult.
Emotional abuse must be taken seriously, both in childhood and beyond
Becca Bland
Some time ago I wrote an article about estrangement for The Guardian newspaper.