
Family Estrangement and COVID 19
2020: Dr Lucy Blake, Dr Becca Bland, Dr Sarah Foley and Dr Susan Imrie
This research focusses on the experiences of over 800 members of our community and how their family estrangement has been impacted by COVID-19.

What Happens Next?
2020: Stand Alone and Dr Ali Rounsfield-Swales
This research focusses on the experiences of 84 students who are estranged from family after they have graduated from HE in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Themes of homelessness and challenge with employment and postgraduate study are prevalent.

Family Matters
2018: Stand Alone and Sheffield Hallam University
This report explores the importance of family for students and talks about how family offer the emotional support necessary to succeed in Higher Education

Hidden Voices: Family Estrangement in Adulthood
2015: Stand Alone and Centre for Family Research at University of Cambridge
‘Hidden Voices: Family Estrangement in Adulthood’ is a collaboration with University of Cambridge, Centre for Family Research. It draws on the the experiences of 807 people who are estranged from their family or a key family member.

Hidden Voices: Family Estrangement in Students
2015: Stand Alone and Centre for Family Research at University of Cambridge
‘Hidden Voices: Family Estrangement in Students’ is a collaboration with University of Cambridge, Centre for Family Research. This focusses on the students who responded to our original research, drawing on the the experiences of 84 people who are estranged from their family or a key family member.

New Starts
2015: Stand Alone and The Unite Foundation
The challenges of Higher Education without the support of a family network

Focus On Access and Retention
2015: Stand Alone and The Student Loans Company Ltd
Risks for students who are estranged or disowned by their family

The Prevalence of Family Estrangement
2014: Ipsos MORI
1 in 5 UK families touched by family estrangement